
“One must marry one’s feelings to one’s beliefs and ideas.
That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one’s life.”  

Etty Hillesum

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  Soul Portals: Exploring Psychospiritual Horizons

Join Cedric Speyer and DeeAnna Nagel for a monthly podcast as they interview influencers on the psychospiritual path. It is an hour’s glimpse into the visions of teachers and guides who inspire others to live in a bigger story of meaning and purpose.

Listen to episodes on your favorite podcast channels and find out more here: psychospiritualhorizons.com

View previous episodes on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@SoulPortalsExploringPsyc-ft4ov

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If you are seeking a CPD certificate you can view the upcoming live podcasts or previous recordings for a one-time small fee or as a subscriber with access to all CPD events at Onlinevents.

Just search Soul Portals in the Onlinevents collection to see all of our certificate events here: https://www.courses-onlinevents.co.uk/collections


Fourfold Soul Portals Format

Each interviewee offers a book, a project, a presence and we aim to get to the heart and soul behind the work. Here is a sampling of questions that are asked of the interviewees:

Soul Summons

Was there a turning point or transition phase which changed the direction of your life’s work?
Was there a watershed moment when you realized the true nature of your vocation?

Soul Quest

What principal truth or teaching guides your life journey?
How would you describe your essential spiritual practice?

Soul Work & Play

Which books, movies, songs, or works of art have created changepoints in your life?
What uplifts your spirit and allows you to lose track of time?

Soul Growth

Is there a therapeutic or psychospiritual approach that you have found transformative?
When you help or guide people yourself, are you like a lamp, a lifeboat, or a ladder?