"When you are compassionate with yourself, you trust in your soul, which you let guide your life.”
John O’Donohue

What is InnerView Guidance?
InnerView is the soul knowledge it takes to navigate the interior landscape with a new map, the 4Fold Path map. Psychology for what the soul wants. InnerView Guidance is the process of aligning the feelings, needs, values and purposes which allow our inner and outer worlds to be congruent. It’s about narrowing the gap between one’s persona in the world and the summons of true personhood; to be within yourself what you would like to foster in the world at large. It’s the landscape of what the soul wants and it involves listening closely to the nuanced voice of wisdom. No matter how brief or long-term, it is a therapeutic journey from:
our present predicament to our preferred state
repeating patterns to empowered choices
what doesn’t really matter to what matters most
what doesn’t belong to us to owning what does
nursing wounds of the past to initiating new beginnings
what needs to be released to manifesting our soul vision
It’s a matter of looking at the human condition through a telescope rather than a microscope.
It’s like mining for specks of gold in a dark cave, with a flashlight beam shining a few yards forward.
It’s about the inner tuning fork you hold that sounds the keynote of the soul.
It’s a way of freeing up the space between where you are and where you want to be.