“In a secular, materialist culture, the irrepressible spiritual dimension of human experience and understanding has been badly neglected for too long. The work of Speyer and Yaphe takes an important step towards correcting that omission. InnerView Guidance, uniquely beneficial in terms of personal growth to both client and healer, may well be the healthiest approach to psychological care yet invented. This fine book, calmly asserting the essential truth that spiritually whole lives matter, deserves the widest possible readership. It is a masterpiece of therapeutic wisdom, kindness and care.” – Larry Culliford
Larry Culliford is a retired physician and psychiatrist from Sussex, UK. He is the author of several influential books including The Psychology of Spirituality, Much Ado about Something, and, The Big Book of Wisdom. He also posts regularly to a long-running blog for Psychology Today under the byline: Spiritual Wisdom for Secular Times.