“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Psychology for what the soul wants
InnerView is a psychospiritual model for helping professionals which integrates the perspectives of mental and emotional health with the summons of underlying soul work. We emphasize the 'soul knowledge' of psychology (its original meaning). Through the InnerView Guidance textbook, online courses, and individual mentorship you can be oriented to the InnerView model and apply it to your existing practice.
The InnerView Guidance approach is rooted in positive psychology principles: strength-based, capacity-building, solution-oriented. We also believe that although people have problems, the problems don’t have them. Most people who come to you for coaching, counselling or psychotherapy are facing some kind of roadblock in their life situation. They need to tune into their voice of wisdom to deal with it on a conscious and intentional level, aligned with what the soul wants. InnerView Guidance International (IGI) is here to help you, the helper, follow a multi-layered process that provides a template for unfolding soul growth.
See the 4Fold Path map for an overview of this interior landscape, including the compass points of personhood.
What is soul work? It is firstly attunement to the central worth and original blessing of personhood which cannot be reduced to biological predispositions, psychological mechanisms, or social conditioning. From that vantage point, we can re-envision life situations as part of our soul journey, and shift the internal balance of power from ego to soul. Thankfully, we don’t need to debate what the soul is to know what it does. The soul has the capacity to keep us grounded, to keep things simple, travel light through the world, and hear the cardinal’s song along the way.
The soul knows it’s not what you’ve got; it’s what you do with what you’ve got. The soul is what can choose kindness and compassion when surrounded by hatred and fear. The soul cultivates inner peace when there are reasons to feel frustrated or discouraged. Soul strength is not just the sum of mental health, good character traits and personal well-being. Soul work goes further, invoking the spiritual awareness and values emerging at the growing edge of challenging circumstances. It also involves a person’s unique capacity to answer the call beyond themselves.
Soul work keeps us rooted in our truth and life purpose, able to resist the diversions of ego.
Soul work keeps us connected to community, knowing we are all profoundly interrelated.
Soul work reveals how our particular gifts and skills can address specific needs in the world.
Soul work brings intuitive wisdom to the crossroads of life and manifests what matters most.
Soul work allows our essential values to be congruent with our persona in the external world.